Set up a super account

Make your hard work pay off with strong, long-term performance for your super. Once you’ve joined, you can easily manage your account online.

Join as a member

Set up an income stream

Whether you’re an existing Cbus member or new to us, you can join the Cbus Super Income Stream. You can manage your account online once you've joined.

Join as a SIS member

We're built to benefit you

As a leading Industry Super Fund, we’re here to benefit our members. And, by investing in your industry through Cbus Property, we’re investing in you.
Average annual return^ over the last 40 years
As at 30 June 2024 for the Growth (MySuper) option.
As at 31 December 2024
Average annual return^ over the last 10 years
As at 30 June 2024 for the Growth (MySuper) option.
Cbus Property has created over
direct jobs*

Read the relevant Cbus Product Disclosure Statement to decide whether Cbus is right for you. 

Why choose Cbus


Run only to benefit members

We're an industry fund, so all the benefits go straight back to you.


We invest in the industry

Through our wholly-owned entity, Cbus Property.


Flexible investment options

With a history of strong, long term performance.


Maximising every super dollar

Our competitive fees and lower weekly admin fee keep more of your money invested, helping your super grow.


Access to advice

Dedicated advice team offering support that's in your best interests.


Insurance built for you

We offer insurance options tailored to your job and a rebate for eligible* long-term members.

*Insurance Loyalty Rebate eligibility

We're giving eligible long-term members a loyalty rebate on Death, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) and Income Protection (IP) cover costs.
 From 28 September 2024, you’ll be eligible for a rebate on your future insurance premiums if: 
- You've held insurance for any period of time 
- You first took out the insurance cover 10+ years ago

The rebate works like this:
-2% of insurance premiums if your cover was first activated 10 – 19 years ago

-4% of insurance premiums if your cover was first activated 20+ years ago
If you joined Cbus Super from Media Super on April 9 2022, we’ll use the date you first joined Media Super to determine your eligibility. Former EISS accumulation members who transferred to Cbus Super on 12 May 2023, we’ll use the date you joined EISS to determine your eligibility.