
What we offer

40 years of making hard work pay off.

A superannuation fund with strong long-term performance*, competitive fees and tailored insurance

One of the top performing* super funds over the long-term

Compare our performance over the past 10, 15 and 20 years.

high rise building with blue sky

Over the long term, our default option the Growth (MySuper)* investment option has performed better than the industry median.



See how each of our investment options have performed over the long term.



Our default Growth (MySuper) option obtained a top quartile performance ranking over 10, 15 and 20 years from the SuperRatings FCRS SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index Survey, for the period ending 30 June 2024. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. SuperRatings is a ratings agency that collects information from super funds to enable performance comparisons

^ SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index Median return: June 2024.

Competitive fees for a stronger retirement

See how much you could save on fees.

retirement member playing with grandchildren

We’re an industry fund, so we keep all fees and costs as low as possible.


We only charge the administration and investment fees needed to run your account, and we negotiate the best possible insurance rates for members.


Compare our fees in the Cbus Growth (MySuper) option against the average super fund, based on a $50,000 balance.

Cbus vs retail fees


You’d pay $438 in fees each year with Cbus, compared to $493 for an average super fund and $503 for an average retail super fund. 


See how our fees compare


Cbus fees are the updated fees as outlined in Fees Factsheet (PDF) and effective 26 August 2023.


 Fees and costs in the above table are compared at 31 August 2023. Average super fund refers to all fund type Balanced (60-76) option and incorporates Cbus updated fees and costs. Average retail fund refers to all retail fund Balanced (60-76) option. Average fees calculated effective at 31 August 2023 using SuperRatings' SMART Database, and the comparison executed on 6 September 2023. Total fees is based on the administration fees and costs, transaction fees and investment fees and costs based on an account balance of $50,000 . Investment fees usually change from year to year and are different for each investment option. The actual investment fee will be determined at the end of the financial year and published in your 30 June statement. This comparison is about fees and costs only. It does not take into account other benefits, services or your specific needs. You should look at your own financial position, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions. Refer to the relevant Product Disclosure StatementTarget Market Determination and related documents for the investment fees and costs including performance fees.

Insurance for financial security

Learn how our insurance cover keeps you protected.

male tradie smiling in camera

We understand the risks of working in the building, construction and allied industries. That’s why we offer tailored insurance options to suit you and your job and keep you covered.   


No out-of-pocket expenses

Premiums are deducted from your super account.


Great value

We negotiate the best possible insurance rates for members.


Flexible insurance cover

Choose cover that’s right for you based on your age, family situation and financial needs.



Learn more about our insurance options


 Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848.

Join Cbus Super

Making hard work pay off.

Investing in Australia

Strengthening Australia’s economy by supporting industries that are important to our members.

How we invest back

Freedom to choose how you invest

Choosing an investment option can make all the difference to how much money you retire with. Our default investment option, Growth (MySuper), is designed to suit most people. 

But if it’s not right for you, you can choose an option that suits your goals, time frame and the level of investment risk you’re comfortable with.

Our investment options

Our awards

Chant West1
Best Fund: Member Services 2024
(awarded for two consecutive years 2023-2024)

Chant West1
Specialist Fund of the Year 2024
(awarded for five consecutive years 2020-2024)

Chant West1
Best Fund: Responsible Investment 2024

Comparisons by SuperRatings


 As at June 2023. Based on an income of $80,000 and a starting super balance of $50,000 modelled by SuperRatings. Full assumptions available on SuperCalculator

Compare your super balance using our calculator

See how much better off your super balance could be with Cbus Super compared to the average retail super fund.

Get started

Compare us in more detail

As a 'best value for money' superannuation fund#, we’re proud to share how we compare on investment performance, fees, insurance, member services and more.

Learn more in the latest SuperRatings Fundamentals reports:

# Source: SuperRatings Fundamentals 30 June 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance. While Cbus has a commercial relationship with SuperRatings, Cbus has no influence over the research results and overall ratings and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by this report.

1 Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 AFSL 226872/AFS Rep No. 1280401 Chant West Awards issued 22 May 2024 are solely statements of opinion and not a recommendation in relation to making any investment decisions. Awards are current for 12 months and subject to change at any time. Awards for previous years are for historical purposes only. Full details on Chant West Awards at


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