Broadcast news July 2024

Keeping you informed

Cbus Super Director is awarded Order of Australia

Cbus Super congratulates Employer Director Ray Sputore on being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours List. Ray was recognised for his significant contributions to the building and construction industry across his almost 50 years in business.

Notify your employer - a new feature for members

We’re improving how members find and provide their membership details to employers. From mid-July, members with an online account will be able to download a pre-filled choice of fund form and email their details to their employer all within the Member Online portal or Cbus mobile app.

The ‘Notify your employer’ email feature, allows members who want their super paid into their Cbus Super account to send employers their membership details by providing an employer’s email address in the member portal.

Employers will receive an automated email that contains all the information required to start making contributions into an employee’s Cbus Super account.

If you have any questions about this new feature or making contributions, call our dedicated Employer Services team on 1300 361 784 (weekdays 8am-8pm AEST/AEDT) or email

A reminder to be vigilant of scams

As we approach the tax time, it’s important to protect yourself and your organisation by remaining vigilant against the threat of scams. Scammers often take advantage of busier times to trick people into sharing personal information.

Here are some things to be aware of:
  • Increasing data breaches and ways to prevent them: User information is being compromised through significant data breaches. Breaches often occur due to social engineering attacks, software vulnerabilities, poor security practice and weak passwords. To protect your information, it’s important to use strong and unique passwords, update security software, be cautious when clicking on email links and participle in security awareness programs.
  • Phishing and social engineering attacks: Phishing and social engineering attacks are one of the most common methods used by criminals to trick you into giving them personal information. Attackers send fake emails where they include links that ask you for your personal information. They can also send you fake messages or phone calls. Remember to remain vigilant and not to click on suspicious links or attachments.
  • Device security: As remote work is becoming increasingly popular, securing the device we use is vital. It is very important that we are cautious of our work surroundings, how we use and store our data, and the type of software we use in our devices.
  • Stay connected to your super. Remind your employees to regularly log in to their super account so they’re able to identify any unusual activity. Members can also set up multi-factor authentication or a verbal password for an extra layer of protection.
Employer broadcast
July  2024
Thank you to our employers
Employer broadcast 
July 2024
CEO update