Our most popular downloaded forms and publications
Most popular
Join (PDS)
- Cbus Industry Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for employees receiving super contributions from their employer. It has information about the Cbus Industry Super product as well as an application form to join.
- Cbus Super Income Stream PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for those looking to receive their superannuation as regular income payments. It also contains an application form to join.
General information
- Your guide to superannuation (PDF) - This fact sheet will help you understand the basics of super, insurance and Cbus Super.
- About crediting rates fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains what crediting rates are, and how Cbus use crediting rates to calculate members’ investment earnings.
- Fees and costs fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet shows the main fees and costs that may be charged to members to set up and manage their Cbus account, which may be deducted directly from the account or deducted from the investment returns.
Choice of fund
- Cbus complying fund letter (PDF) - This letter confirms the information employers require for their employees to choose Cbus as their superannuation fund.
- Keep my insurance cover form (PDF) - Use this form to tell Cbus to keep your insurance cover, even if your account doesn’t receive contributions or a roll in for 16 months.
- Death and disability insurance guide for Industry Super (PDF) - This handbook contains additional details about the Death and TPD insurance available to members who are receiving super contributions from an employer.
- Manual occupations insurance scales (PDF) - Manual cover is our default cover for members. If you perform manual or physical work, and spend more than 20% of your working time outside an office environment, find out the cost of units per week.
- Binding death benefit nomination (PDF) - When nominating your beneficiaries, use this form to make a binding nomination.
- Investment handbook (PDF) - This handbook details the investment options available to Cbus members. You can use the forms at the back of this handbook to change the investment option/s your super is invested in.
Withdrawals and payments
- Application for benefit form (PDF) - Use this form to apply to withdraw money from your Cbus superannuation.
- Financial hardship benefit payment application (PDF) - Superannuation law allows Cbus to release benefits to fund members prior to their retirement in cases of severe financial hardship. To access your super in these circumstances you must meet the eligibility conditions set out in superannuation legislation.
Have you been asked to provide your driver's licence card number for proof of identity? Here's how to find it.
Join (PDS)
- Cbus Industry Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for employees receiving super contributions from their employer. It has information about the Cbus Industry Super product as well as an application form to join.
- Cbus Sole Trader Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for sole traders who are making their own super contributions. It has information about the Cbus Super for Sole Traders product as well as an application form.
- Cbus Personal Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for members who are not currently working or who are not receiving super contributions from an employer. It has information about the Cbus Personal Super product as well as an application form to join.
- Cbus Corporate Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for members joining through their employer. Your employer will let you know if you're eligible and will open your account with us.
We’ve made some changes to our Strategic Asset Allocation’s (SAA’s). Learn more about the SAA changes.
General information
- Cbus membership benefits flyer (PDF) - These are the benefits of being a Cbus member.
- How super works fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet forms part of the Cbus Product Disclosure Statements. It includes information on how to make extra contributions, who can contribute to super, how to withdraw super and the early release of super.
- Fees and costs fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet shows the main fees and costs that may be charged to members to set up and manage their Cbus account, which may be deducted directly from the account or deducted from the investment returns.
- How super is taxed fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet forms part of the Cbus Product Disclosure Statements. It includes information on the tax treatment of super coming into and out of your account, tax deductions and tax after you reach preservation age.
- Financial Services Guide: General Advice (PDF) - The Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the financial product advice services we offer to help members decide whether to use them or to acquire one of our products.
- Financial Services Guide: Personal Advice (PDF) - The Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the advice services we offer to help members decide whether to use them.
- How to make a complaint fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains Cbus’ complaints handling process.
- Cbus' interpreters service (PDF) - To help members that come from a non-English speaking background, the interpreter service is available from 8am-8pm AEST Monday to Friday.
- Getting ready for retirement fact sheet (PDF) - Find out about Income Streams and Transition to Retirement (TTR) and how to prepare for retirement.
- Retirement planner checklist (PDF) - See our retirement planning checklist to help you get started and make sure you are on track for a successful retirement.
- Unpaid super fact sheet (PDF) - Quick facts about unpaid super - what you need to know
- Self managed super funds (SMSFs) fact sheet (PDF) - Starting a SMSF is a major financial decision. This fact sheet outlines the things you should consider before starting a SMSF.
- Apprentice handbook (PDF) - Fast and easy superannuation tips for apprentices in construction and building.
- First home super saver (FHSS) scheme fact sheet (PDF) - The FHSS scheme allows you to make voluntary contributions (before or after tax) into your super, which you can then later withdraw for your first home deposit (subject to eligibility requirements). To apply as a previous home owner under the financial hardship provision use the ATO’s FHSS hardship application form (PDF).
- Key benefits of being a Cbus member (PDF) - Find out all the benefits of being a Cbus member.
- Investing for members brochure (PDF) – This brochure provides an overview of the broad ways in which we invest our members’ money.
- Cbus Industry Super - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus’ investment performance, fees and charges, insurance covers and costs, member servicing, administration and governance.
- Cbus MySuper - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus MySuper’s investment performance, fees and charges, insurance covers and costs, member servicing, administration and governance.
- Cbus Sole Trader Super - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus Sole Trader Super's investment performance, fees and charges, insurance covers and costs, member servicing, administration and governance.
- Cbus Personal Super - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus Personal Super's investment performance, fees and charges, insurance covers and costs, member servicing, administration and governance.
- Cbus Corporate Super - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus Corporate Super's investment performance, fees and charges, insurance covers and costs, member servicing, administration and governance.
*While Cbus has a commercial relationship with SuperRatings, Cbus has no influence over the research results and overall ratings and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by this report.
- Financial Services Guide: General Advice (PDF) - The Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the financial product advice services we offer to help members decide whether to use them or to acquire one of our products.
- Financial Services Guide: Personal Advice (PDF) - The Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the advice services we offer to help members decide whether to use them.
- Cbus advice brochure (PDF) - If you have a question about your super or would like detailed advice about your own financial situation, Cbus can help. We offer a broad range of financial advice services to members of all ages.
- Third party authority (PDF) - Use this form to give specific people, such as a relative or adviser, access to your account details.
Choice of super fund
- Cbus complying fund letter (PDF) - This letter confirms the information employers require for their employees to choose Cbus as their superannuation fund.
- I want my super paid into Cbus (PDF) - Use this form to get your super paid into Cbus.
- Inactive low-balance accounts form (PDF) - Complete this form if you have an inactive low-balance account and want your account to remain with Cbus.
Notify your employer online of your Cbus Super account Log in to your account to do the following:
Learn more about keeping your super with Cbus Super. |
Consolidate your super
- Rollover form (PDF) - You can use this form to rollover your other super accounts into your Cbus account - this form has to be downloaded and mailed to Cbus.
- Cbus lost super fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains how to find your lost or unclaimed super.
- Identification requirements (PDF) - This form lists the ID requirements you need to meet in order to withdraw, transfer or search for lost super.
- Application for benefit form (PDF) - Use this form to apply to withdraw money from your Cbus superannuation.
- Combine your super into Cbus (PDF) – You can use this form to ask Cbus to search for any lost super you might have and rollover your other super accounts into your Cbus account.
Have you been asked to provide your driver's licence card number for proof of identity? Here's how to find it.
Insurance - Death, TPD and IP cover
- Death and disability insurance guide for Industry Super (PDF) - This handbook contains additional details about the Death and TPD insurance available to members who are receiving super contributions from an employer
- Income Protection insurance guide for Industry Super (PDF) - This handbook contains additional details about the Income Protection cover available to members of Cbus Industry Super.
- Insurance guide for Sole Trader Super (PDF) - The Insurance Handbook for Sole Trader Superannuation contains details about the insurance available to members who are making their own super payments.
- Insurance guide for Personal Super (PDF) - The Insurance Handbook for Personal Superannuation contains details about the insurance available to members who are not receiving employer payments.
- Insurance guide for Corporate Super (PDF) - This guide outlines the main features of death, disability and income protection cover through Cbus Corporate Super.
Fact sheets
- Industry Super insurance – key facts (PDF) – This fact sheet summarises the automatic insurance cover available to Industry Super members.
- Sole Trader Super insurance – key facts (PDF) – This fact sheet summarises the automatic insurance cover available to Sole Trader Super members.
- Applying for a TPD payment fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet provides more detail about when you may be eligible for a TPD payment and how to apply.
- Applying for IP payments fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains when you may be eligible for income protection payments and how to apply.
- Applying for a TI payment fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains when you may be eligible for a terminal illness payment and how to apply.
- Applying for death payment handbook (PDF) - This brochure explains how to apply for a death payment.
Login to your member account to change your insurance cover online.
Click on the ‘Insurance’ tab across the top and then click the button ‘Go to insurance online’ to:
- Apply for, increase, decrease or cancel Death, TPD and IP cover
- Transfer existing insurance cover from another fund
- Change your occupation category.
If you’re a Corporate Super member login to your account to view your insurance cover.
Or download a paper form below:
- Keep my insurance cover (PDF) - Use this form to tell Cbus to keep your insurance cover, even if your account doesn’t receive contributions or a roll in for 16 months.
- I want insurance cover (PDF) - Use this form to tell us that you want insurance cover. This will either stop it from being cancelled or allow it to start as soon as you're eligible.
- Non-binding death benefit nomination form (PDF) - When nominating your beneficiaries, use this form to make a non-binding nomination.
- Binding death benefit nomination form (PDF) - When nominating your beneficiaries, use this form to make a binding nomination.
- Renew your binding nomination form (PDF) - Use this form to renew your binding nomination for another three years.
- Change my insurance: Industry Super (PDF) – Use this form if you’re an Industry Super member and want to apply for, change or cancel insurance cover. (This form replaces the Application to increase cover for Industry and Personal Super members, Application to vary income protection cover for Industry and Sole Trader Super members, Application to decrease or cancel insurance cover and Application to cancel insurance cover.)
- Change my insurance: Sole Trader Super (PDF) – Use this form if you’re a Sole Trader Super member and want to apply for, change or cancel insurance cover. (This form replaces the Application to increase cover for Sole Trader Super members, Application to vary income protection cover for Industry and Sole Trader Super members, Application to decrease or cancel insurance cover and Application to cancel insurance cover.)
- Change my insurance: Personal Super (PDF) – Use this form if you’re a Personal Super member and want to apply for, change or cancel insurance cover. (This form replaces the Application to increase cover for Industry and Personal Super members, Application to decrease or cancel insurance cover and Application to cancel insurance cover.)
- Change my insurance: Corporate Super (PDF) - Use this form if you’re a Corporate Super member and want to apply for, change or cancel insurance cover.
- Application for income protection cover for Industry Super (PDF) - If you're an Industry Super member, you can use this form to apply for income protection when you first join Cbus.
- Application to transfer existing insurance cover (PDF) - Use this form to transfer your existing Death or Death and Total and Permanent Disability insurance to Cbus.
- Life events insurance upgrade (PDF) - Use this form to take advantage of Cbus' Life events insurance upgrades
- Application to change occupation category (PDF) - Use this form if you have changed occupation categories.
- Application to change existing membership to Cbus Industry Super (PDF) - You need to complete this application if you are receiving employer sponsored contributions into your Cbus membership account and you want to switch your membership to Cbus Industry Super.
- Application to change existing membership to Cbus Personal Super (PDF) - You will need to complete this application if you wish to switch to Cbus Personal Super.
- Application to change existing membership to Cbus Sole Trader Super (PDF) - You will need to complete this application if you are an existing Cbus Industry Super member or an existing Cbus Personal Super member and you would like to switch to Cbus Sole Trader Super.
- Application to extend TPD cover (PDF) - Use this form to extend your current TPD cover to age 70. You must be age 64 to use this form
Have you been asked to provide your driver's licence card number for proof of identity? Here's how to find it.
- Investment handbook (PDF) - This handbook details the investment options available to Cbus members. You can use the forms at the back of this handbook to change the investment option/s your super is invested in.
- Cbus Self Managed investment guide (PDF) - Decide whether investing through Cbus Self Managed is right for you.
- Investment choice form (PDF) - This form is used to choose your investment option.
- Managing your super through market ups and downs fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet will help you understand what ups and downs in share market performance could mean for your super, and how to ensure you’re getting the best return for your future.
- Understanding investment risk (PDF) - This fact sheet details some of the risks that can impact your super.
- Our responsible investment approach FAQs (PDF) - Read some of the frequently asked questions about our approach to responsible investing.
Making extra contributions
- COVID-19 re-contribution notice – Use this form to tell us you’re re-contributing some or all of your COVID-19 early release super payment. Make sure we receive this form at the same time you make your contribution (or before).
- Making extra contributions fact sheet (PDF) - There are four ways to add extra contributions to super, and this fact sheet explains them all - including Salary Sacrifice. Email it to your employees or print out some copies to hand out.
- Transition to retirement fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains how the Transition to Retirement income stream works, its potential benefits and why it's important to seek financial planning advice.
- Contribution slips (PDF) - Use these slips to make personal contributions to your Cbus account.
- Member direct debit form (PDF) - Use this form to make direct debit payments to your Cbus account.
- Spouse contributions form (PDF) - Use this form to make contributions into your spouse's super account.
- Boost your super - Government co-contribution fact sheet (PDF) - You may be eligible to receive a government co-contribution if you make an ‘after tax’ member contribution to your super. Read this brochure to find out your eligibility.
- Salary sacrifice form (PDF) - If you are eligible for salary sacrifice, complete this form and give it to your employer or payroll manager to authorise your request.
- First home super saver (FHSS) scheme fact sheet (PDF) - The FHSS scheme allows you to make voluntary contributions (before or after tax) into your super, which you can then later withdraw for your first home deposit (subject to eligibility requirements). To apply as a previous home owner under the financial hardship provision use the ATO’s FHSS hardship application form (PDF).
- Downsizer contribution fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains how you can make a downsizer contribution if you're considering selling your home.
- Downsizer contribution into super form (PDF) - Use this form to make a contribution as a result of selling an eligible property once aged 55 years or older.
- How super is taxed fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet forms part of the Cbus Product Disclosure Statements. It includes information on the tax treatment of super coming into and out of your account, tax deductions and tax after you reach preservation age.
- Deduction for personal super contributions (PDF) - Use this form to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal super contributions.
- Tax file number declaration (PDF) - This form must be completed for income stream members who wish to claim the tax-free threshold.
Update details
- Change your details form (PDF) - Use this form to notify us of any changes to your personal details, such as a change of name, address or provide us with your TFN.
- Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme change my bank account form - Use this form to change the bank account that your Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme pension is being paid into.
- Non-binding beneficiary nomination form (PDF) - When nominating your beneficiaries, use this form to make a non-binding nomination.
- Binding death benefit nomination form (PDF) - When nominating your beneficiaries, use this form to make a binding nomination.
- Renew your binding nomination (PDF) - Use this form to renew your binding nomination for another three years.
- Statutory Declaration (PDF) - Use this form to make a statutory declaration.
- Power of attorney (PDF) - Use this form to give specific people access to your account details or authorise them to make changes for you.
- Third party authority (PDF) - Use this form to give specific people, such as a relative or adviser, access to your account details.
Have you been asked to provide your driver's licence card number for proof of identity? Here's how to find it.
Withdrawals and payments
- Application for benefit form (PDF) - Use this form to apply to withdraw money from your Cbus superannuation.
- Application for family law payment form (PDF) - Use this form to apply for a super payment following a separation or divorce.
- Temporary residents fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains how temporary residents who have left Australia can claim their super
- KiwiSaver form (PDF) - If you are planning on moving permanently or indefinitely to New Zealand, you may be able to transfer your superannuation savings from Cbus to a New Zealand KiwiSaver scheme.
- Compassionate grounds benefit payment application form (PDF) - In limited circumstances, you may be able to access a portion of your super on compassionate grounds.
- Financial hardship benefit payment application (PDF) - Superannuation law allows Cbus to release benefits to fund members prior to their retirement in cases of severe financial hardship. To access your super in these circumstances you must meet the eligibility conditions set out in superannuation legislation.
- Super and divorce fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet will help you understand how super can be split when a relationship breaks down and what you need to do. This applies whether you were married or in a de facto relationship.
- Electronic ID form (PDF) - You can use this form to authorise Cbus to verify your identity electronically.
- Identification requirements (PDF) - This form lists the ID requirements you need to meet in order to withdraw, transfer or search for lost super.
- Super retirement drawdown form (PDF) - Use this to allow us to pay part of your super benefit in cash to your bank account (eligible members only). Used to be called the Partial cash withdrawal form.
- Defined Benefit Scheme payment instruction form (PDF) - Use this form if you are an ex-EISS member to tell us how you’d like to take your benefit.
- Retirement Scheme payment instruction form (PDF) - Use this form if you are an ex-EISS member to tell us how you’d like to take your benefit.
Retirement Scheme
- Retirement Scheme PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for Cbus Retirement Scheme members.
- Retirement Scheme additional benefit cover (PDF) - Use this form if you’re a member of the Cbus Retirement Scheme and want to apply for additional benefit cover for total and permanent incapacity or death.
- Retirement Scheme Investment choice (PDF) - This form is used to choose your investment option.
- Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme change my bank account form (PDF) - Use this form to change the bank account that your Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme pension is being paid into.
- Retirement Scheme payment instruction form (PDF) - Use this form to tell us how you’d like to take your benefit.
- Retirement Scheme change my contribution rate (PDF) - Use this form to change the percentage of your superable salary that you must contribute to your Retirement Scheme benefit.
- Identification requirements (PDF) - This form lists the ID requirements you need to meet in order to withdraw, transfer or change your banking details.
- Accessing your benefit when you retire (PDF) - This flyer outlines the steps involved to access your benefit if you’re planning to retire.
Defined Benefit Scheme
- Defined Benefit Scheme PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for Cbus Defined Benefit Scheme members.
- Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme change my bank account form - Use this form to change the bank account that your Retirement Scheme or Defined Benefit Scheme pension is being paid into.
- Defined Benefit Scheme payment instruction form (PDF) - Use this form to tell us how you’d like to take your benefit.
- Identification requirements (PDF) - This form lists the ID requirements you need to meet in order to withdraw, transfer or update your banking details.
- Accessing your benefit when you retire (PDF) - This flyer outlines the steps involved to access your benefit if you’re planning to retire.
Retirement members
For members who are planning, transitioning or fully retired.
Join (PDS)
- Cbus Super Income Stream PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for those looking to receive their superannuation as regular income payments. It also contains an application form to join.
We’ve made some changes to our Strategic Asset Allocation’s (SAA’s). Learn more about the SAA changes.
The law requires you to draw a minimum income from your income stream account each year. Learn more via the ATO website.
Retirement Income Strategy
- Cbus Retirement Strategy - strives to improve our members’ retirement outcomes.
General information
- Getting ready for retirement fact sheet (PDF) - Find out about Income Streams and Transition to Retirement (TTR) and how to prepare for retirement.
- Income Stream tax refund fact sheet (PDF) - Find out if you are eligible for a tax refund into your new account.
- Transition to retirement fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains how the Transition to Retirement income stream works, its potential benefits and why it's important to seek financial planning advice.
- Cbus' interpreters service (PDF) - To help members that come from a non-English speaking background, the interpreter service is available from 8am-8pm AEST Monday to Friday.
- Cbus Super Income Stream - SuperRatings Fundamentals* report (PDF) - This SuperRatings report includes an overall assessment on Cbus Super Income Stream’s investment performance, fees and charges, member servicing, administration, product flexibility and governance.
- Investing for members brochure (PDF) – This brochure provides an overview of the broad ways in which we invest our members’ money.
*While Cbus has a commercial relationship with SuperRatings, Cbus has no influence over the research results and overall ratings and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by this report.
- Financial services guide (PDF) - The Financial services guide (FSG) provides information about the financial products and services that are provided to members.
- Cbus advice brochure (PDF) - If you have a question about your super or would like detailed advice about your own financial situation, Cbus can help. We offer a broad range of financial advice services to members of all age
- Third party authority (PDF) - Use this form to give specific people, such as a relative or adviser, access to your account details.
- Power of attorney (PDF) - Use this form to give specific people access to your account details or authorise them to make changes for you.
- Income stream switching form (PDF) - Use this form to switch your current investment options.
- Cbus Self Managed investment guide (PDF) - Decide whether investing through Cbus Self Managed is right for you.
- Identification requirements (PDF) - This form lists the ID requirements you need to meet in order to withdraw, transfer or update your banking details.
- Request to transfer form (PDF) - Use this form to transfer other super accounts to Cbus - in order to get your income stream started.
- Income stream withdrawal or rollover form (PDF) - Use this application form to withdraw money from your Cbus Super Income Stream.
- Change your income stream details (PDF) - Use this form to update your income stream details, including whether you have met a condition of release and the amount and/or frequency of your income payments.
- Tax file number declaration (PDF) - This form must be completed for income stream members who wish to claim the tax-free threshold.
- Binding death benefit form (PDF) - Use this form to make a binding nomination for your income stream.
Have you been asked to provide your driver's licence card number for proof of identity? Here's how to find it.
Update details
- Binding death benefit form (PDF) - Use this form to make a binding nomination for your income stream.
- Renew your binding nomination (PDF) - Use this form to renew your binding nomination for another three years.
- Change your income stream details (PDF) - Use this form to update your income stream details, including whether you have met a condition of release and the amount and/or frequency of your income payments.
For businesses paying super for employees.
- Cbus Industry Super employer handbook (PDF) - This handbook provides an overview of how Cbus Industry Super works for employers. It includes benefits, information on how to join and payment information.
General information
- Change of business name (PDF) - You can use this form to update your registered business name or trading name if the change has not led to a change in ABN.
- Financial services guide (PDF) - The Cbus Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the financial products and services that are provided to members.
- Employer super obligations fact sheet (PDF) - An overview of the rules and responsibilities for employers when it comes to managing super for their employees.
- Trust Deed (PDF) - The Fund is governed by a Trust Deed. The Trust Deed is a legal document that determines the way Cbus is managed.
- Getting your business started with Cbus (PDF) - Provides employers with an overview of how to join, how to make payments and support and online resources offered by Cbus.
- Change of employer status form (PDF) - Use this form to make your account inactive if you will no longer be making contributions to Cbus for your employees.
- Cbus Income Protection cover (PDF) - This flyer outlines the Income Protection cover available for members of Industry Super.
- Stapling fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet helps you understand what stapling is, who it impacts and what you need to do as an employer.
- Unique Superannuation Identifier fact sheet (PDF) – This fact sheet details what you need to know about Unique Superannuation Identifiers (USI), the importance of using the correct USI when making super contributions and corrective measures if you’ve used the incorrect USI.
Choice of super fund
- Cbus complying fund letter (PDF) - This letter confirms the information employers require for their employees to choose Cbus as their superannuation fund.
- Choice of fund form (PDF) - Give this form to new employees within 28 days of them starting work with you.
Making contributions
- Employer Online and Cbus Clearing House user guide (PDF) - If you use Employer Online, this handy guide will help you navigate your way around the system and make contributions through the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper).
- Contribution refund or correction form (PDF) - Use this form if you have made an administrative error in a contribution payment and need to request a refund or make an adjustment.
- Contribution advice form (PDF) - Use this blank form if you are unable to access our online payment systems.
- Employer one-off payment form (PDF) - Use this form to make a one-off contribution payment on behalf of an employee with an active Cbus membership.
Contribution refunds and corrections
- Contribution refund correction form (PDF) - Use this form to submit a request for a refund.
- Contribution refunds and corrections FAQs (PDF) - Refer to this FAQ list if you have any questions relating to contribution refunds and corrections.
Defined Benefit Scheme and Retirement Scheme
- Defined Benefit Scheme Employment Termination Advice (PDF) - Use this form to notify us of a member’s termination of employment.
- Retirement Scheme Employment Termination Advice (PDF) - Use this form to notify us of a member’s termination of employment.
- Superable salary fact sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet explains what is superable salary and its impacts on members. It also explains other information related to a member’s salary and key dates for the schemes.