
The Age Pension

How the Age Pension works

The Age Pension is a fortnightly payment from the government to help eligible Australians manage their retirement. 

Not sure how the Age Pension works?

Watch this short video to learn the essentials and how to apply.

Are you eligible for the Age Pension? 

Even if you’re earning some income from your super, you could still qualify for this extra support. To qualify for the Age Pension, you need to meet certain criteria. 

You can check your eligibility at Services Australia. 


Are you old enough?

From 1 January 2024, you must be 67 years or older.


Do you meet residency rules?

You generally need to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years in total, with at least five years being continuous.


Do your income and assets meet the eligibility criteria?

Your eligibility depends on income and asset tests.

How much could you receive?

The maximum Age Pension rates from September 2024 are below. 

The amount you may receive depends on the income test and the assets test. You’ll get paid under the test that produces the lower rate of payment.

Learn more about Age Pension rates on Services Australia.


Per fortnight Single Couple Combined
Maximum basic rate $1,051.30
Maximum Pension supplement $83.60 $126.00
Energy supplement $14.10
$1,149.00 $1,732.20

What can impact your Age Pension payment?

Income test

Your income determines if you’re eligible for the Age Pension and how much you’ll receive. Income includes things like wages from employment, some pension payments and annuity payments, rental income from investment properties and income from outside of Australia. 

Different limits apply to couples and singles. From March 2025 these limits are:

  • If you’re single your pension amount reduces by 50 cents for every dollar you earn over $212
  • If you’re a couple your pension reduces by 25 cents for every dollar you earn over $372 (as a combined income)

Find out more about the income test at Services Australia. 

Work Bonus

If you’re over the Age Pension age, the Work Bonus can help you earn extra income without reducing your Age Pension payments. Here’s how it works:

  • The first $300 of fortnightly income from employment is not included under the income test
  • If you earn less than $300 in a fortnight or don’t work at all, any unused amount is added to a Work Bonus income bank
  • The Work Bonus income bank can grow up to a maximum of $11,800 
  • Accumulated Work Bonus amounts are used to further reduce your income before the income test is applied
  • Newly eligible pensioners start with a $4,000 Work Bonus balance

Find out more about the Work Bonus at Services Australia.

Assets test

Your assets also impact your eligibility and Age Pension amount. Assets include property or possessions you own or have interest in, including any assets held outside Australia. They don’t usually include the home you live in, which is considered your primary place of residence.

Different limits apply depending on: 

  • If you’re single, a couple or a couple not living together due to illness or infirmity
  • If you’re a homeowner or not

Homeowners (own or paying off)                                                                       


If value of assets is lower than

If value of assets is more than




Couple – combined assets



Couple, separated due to illness – combined assets




Full Pension payable

No Pension payable

Non-homeowner (renting or living in rent-free accommodation)                    


If value of assets is lower than

If value of assets is more than




Couple – combined assets



Couple, separated due to illness – combined assets




Full Pension payable

No Pension payable

Amounts as at March 2025.

Learn more about the assets test at Services Australia.

Applying for the Age Pension

You can apply 13 weeks before you reach your Age Pension age. It’s a good idea to start early and get your documents ready.


Get your documents ready

You'll need:

  • A form of identification
  • Your Tax File Number
  • Your bank account details
  • Financial information (including all sources of income and the value of any assets you own).

How to apply

Tip: starting early can help avoid delays. 

Frequently asked questions

Will my super affect my Age Pension?

Yes, your super is included in the income test and assets test, which can impact your eligibility and Age Pension amounts.

How can I work out how much Age Pension I will get?

The exact amount you may get is affected by a number of factors, so it can be complex to work out. While the information on this page will give you some guidance, we recommend you contact Centrelink directly to discuss your personal circumstances.

How much income or assets can I have?

This depends on whether you’re single or part of a couple, and if you own your own home (outright or paying off).

What happens if my income or assets change?

It’s important to let Centrelink know about any changes as soon as possible.

What happens if I don’t qualify for the Age Pension?

You may not qualify for the full Age Pension, but you could be eligible for a part payment. If you’re not eligible to receive an Age Pension payment, you may be eligible to get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card subject to meeting certain criteria. Chat to Centrelink to check your options.

Where to go for help

Member advice services

Our Advice team can help you understand your options and offers different levels of guidance depending on what you need. Our Advice team is here to help you with your advice needs and any questions you have about the process.

Come to a retirement seminar

Learn more about retirement and super at one of our seminars. They're relaxed and informal so anyone can join, and they're provided as part of your Cbus membership.

Topics covered include retirement planning, the government Age Pension and transition to retirement.

Retirement Essentials

Cbus are proud to partner with Retirement Essentials, experts in simplifying the Age Pension and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card application process for you. 

Get a free eligibility calculation, with a fee payable when you finish your application. You can complete your application online from the security of your own home, with back-up telephone support if you need it.

Get in touch with us

Whatever your enquiry, we're ready to help.