All your super in one place

It makes sense to have all your super in one place. You may save on paying multiple admin fees and can keep track of your super more easily.

Things to consider before you consolidate your super

We want to make sure you've got all the relevant information you need before you make the decision to consolidate funds.

View the checklist

Ready to consolidate your super?

Go online

Having multiple super accounts or lost super can mean you’re paying more fees than you need to. Save time and money by consolidating your super in one place.

Login to your online account and search for your super with the ATO using your tax file number. You'll need to verify your identity, so have your ID ready.

Login to your online account

Call us 

If you don’t know the details of your other funds, call us on 1300 361 784 and with your permission, we can search for lost or other super for you.

We’ll need to verify it’s you, so have your ID available.

Get in touch


You can also use the Combine your super into Cbus form (PDF) to consolidate your super if you know the details of your other funds and ask us to search for lost or other super for you.

Search for lost super

If you’d prefer to search for lost super yourself, you can use the ATO’s myGov service.

Keep your details up to date

Whenever you change address, email or phone numbers, make sure you let us know. The same applies to when you change jobs. We’ll keep your details up to date and make sure you don’t lose track of your super.

Changing jobs? Take us with you!

When you start a new job, no matter what it is, you can still keep your super with Cbus. Sticking with us means you’ll continue to enjoy a strong track record of long-term performance1, competitive fees and member benefits, including insurance that’s built especially for your industry.2

To stick with Cbus, simply fill in our I want my super paid into Cbus form (PDF) and give it to your new boss.  If you do want to take us with you, don’t forget to tell your new employer. If you don’t tell them, they may pay your super into a different fund, which may not be right for you.

Keep your super with Cbus

1 As at 30 June 2024. The Growth (MySuper) investment option has returned an average annual return of 8.87% over the last 40 years. The since inception date is 1 July 1984. Investment performance is based on the crediting rate, which is the return minus investment fees, taxes, and until 31 January 2020, the percentage-based administration fee. Excludes fees and costs that are deducted directly from members’ accounts. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

2 Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer, TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848. 

Manage your super, anywhere, anytime.

The Cbus app lets you manage your super account on the go. Getting organised is simple.

Download the Cbus app

Unpaid super

By law, your employer is generally required to contribute at least 11.5% of your Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) into your super account. Cbus encourages employers to pay your super contributions monthly.

This ensures your account starts earning interest as early as possible. It’s important you ask your employer which fund they’re paying your super into, how much they’re paying and how often. And be sure to check your employer has your correct superannuation details.

Between April and June 2023 we collected over
in unpaid super for our members.
In the 2022/23 financial year we collected over
in unpaid super for our members.
Over the last 10 years IFCC has recovered over
in unpaid super for our members as at 30 June 2023.

How do I check if my super is being paid on time?

  • Download our mobile app to check your Cbus account balance and recent transactions at any time.
  • Login to your online account to check you’re receiving contributions.
  • Speak to your Cbus Coordinator or Union Delegate/Organiser.
  • Contact us from 8am to 8pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday.

What if my employer hasn't been paying my super?

Each month, Cbus checks if employers are paying their employee super obligations.

When a payment is missed, we act quickly to contact the employer to offer our support and assistance to help them make the payment.

When an employer still has outstanding contributions, we may refer them to IFS Unpaid Super, a professional debt collector, for outstanding super contributions for our members.

Get in touch with us

Whatever your enquiry, we're ready to help.