How much super do you need?

Everyone has different retirement needs, so it’s important to know that planning for retirement is not a one-size fits all approach. The ASFA Retirement Standard benchmarks how much money retired  Australians need each year for a modest or comfortable standard of living.

What you need for a modest or comfortable lifestyle


  Modest lifestyle Comfortable lifestyle
Single (per year) $32,897 $51,805
Couple combined (per year) $47,470 $73,077

See what you could get if you rely solely on the Age Pension for retirement income.

Budgets for various households and living standards for those aged 65 - 84. Both budgets assume retirees own their own home and are relatively healthy. ASFA Retirement Standard as at December 2024.

What you could afford with each lifestyle



  Age Pension Modest lifestyle Comfortable lifestyle
Travel and transport

Shorter breaks or day ​ trips in your own city.

No car or, if you have a car, it will be a struggle to afford repairs.

One holiday in Australia​ or a few short breaks.​

Owning a cheaper more basic car.​

Domestic and occasional overseas holidays.

Owning a reasonable car.

In the home

Less heating in winter.​

No budget to fix home problems like a leaky roof.

Need to watch utility costs.

No budget for home improvements. Can do repairs, but can’t replace kitchen or bathroom.​

Can run air conditioning.

Replace kitchen and bathroom over 20 years.

Health and leisure

No private health insurance.​

Only taking part in no cost or very low cost leisure activities. Rare trips to the cinema.

Basic private health insurance, limited gap payments.

One leisure activity infrequently, some trips to the cinema or the like.

Top level private health insurance.

Take part in a range of regular leisure activities.

For more information, see the ASFA Retirement Standard.


Will you have enough for the retirement you want?

Find out if the government Age Pension plus your super will give you enough income in retirement.

Calculate retirement income

Keep your money working for you in retirement

A super income stream can provide regular and tax-effective income, during your final years of work and into retirement. Designed to work with the pension, you can enjoy your retirement with as little as $80,000^ in your super account.

How the Age Pension works

When you receive retirement income from your super, you may still be eligible for the government Age Pension. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you could get.

Retirement spending planner

Work out how long you’ll be able to sustain your current way of life, while still enjoying those little extras in retirement.

Retiring during uncertain times

As cost-of-living pressures bite across Australia, you’re naturally going to think of your financial well-being. The choices you make now could significantly impact your retirement.

Come along to a retirement seminar

Learn more about retirement and super at one of our seminars. They're relaxed and informal so anyone can join, and they're provided as part of your membership. 

Topics include retirement planning, the government Age Pension and transition to retirement.

Find a seminar

Meet with a financial planner

As part of your Cbus membership, you have access to our team of financial advisers over the phone who can assist you in planning your retirement.

Cbus Advice Services can also refer you to an accredited financial planner who meets strict professional qualification and service criteria as set by Cbus and the Financial Advice Association Australia Limited (FAAA).

The financial planners offer advice on a fee-for-service basis, with any fees agreed with you in advance. You may be eligible to have the financial planner payment fees deducted directly from your Cbus account.

Get in touch with us

Whatever your enquiry, we're ready to help.

^ Estimated total retirement income in year one of $34,008 for someone aged 67, comprising of $4,254 from the Cbus Super Income Stream account and $29,754 from the Government Age Pension. According to ASFA (a super industry expert), a single person needs around $32,930 a year to live a modest lifestyle in retirement (e.g. basic activities). For further information, see ASFA retirement standard: The income from the Cbus Super Income Stream and Age Pension is projected to increase by 2.5% pa, to cater for inflation and increase in living standards. The income from the Cbus Super Income Stream is projected to last until age 92. The Government Age Pension entitlement is based on current Centrelink income rates using the following assumptions: Single person, homeowner, $25,000 in personal assets. Account-Based Pension investment return of 5.75% p.a. after fees and taxes. Administration fee of $52, with 0.19% asset-based administration fee. Calculated using the Cbus Retirement Income Estimate Calculator as at 13/12/2024. The amount of income you receive and how long it will last will depend on a range of factors, such as the amount initially invested, your age and investment performance. There is a risk that your pension income may reduce or cease if you draw your income too fast or if investment returns are poor.