Responsible investment leadership

Cbus is proud to be recognised again as a Responsible Investment Leader in RIAA’s 2022 Responsible Investment Benchmark Report launched in September. 
As a Responsible Investment Leader, we deliver on the responsible investment promises we make. We do this by integrating ESG considerations as one component of our investment decision making across our portfolio.
You can read RIAA’s 2022 Responsible Investment Benchmark Report to find out more.

How we approach responsible investing

We take a whole-of-fund approach and do not offer a stand-alone ethical or socially responsible investment option. Our whole-of-fund approach applies the same responsible and sustainable principles regardless of whether investments are managed internally by the Cbus investment team or by an external fund manager.

We have a dedicated Responsible Investment team who help us understand emerging ESG issues, develop methodologies for applying ESG investment decision making, and provide analysis to measure and support our approach.

Investments in some companies gives us the right to vote at annual general meetings (AGMs) and engage in discussions to improve ESG practices and disclosures, so that the companies or assets we invest in are better run, less risky, and able to provide more sustainable returns for our members over the long term. Our approach to company engagement and voting is more active in Australia where we have larger investments and better access to companies.

We also undertake advocacy work with the primary aim of influencing standards, guidelines and regulatory reform to increase our ability to identify, measure and mitigate ESG risks.

We know that united action drives better outcomes, so we collaborate with a range of different stakeholders – including our peers and key bodies – to achieve better engagement and advocacy outcomes.

Where we focus our attention

Climate change

We believe that climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing society today, creating both investment risks and opportunities. We have developed a position statement, and our climate goals include achieving net-zero emissions across the portfolio by 2050 and contributing to a 45% reduction in real world emissions by 2030.

Workplace safety

We consider the financial impacts that unsafe workplace practices can have on companies. Safety considerations form part of the due diligence process for relevant assets, risk committee reporting, and our engagement with companies, which helps inform how we vote at company AGMs. Not only is this important to understand when making investment decisions, but it also supports our members and the industries in which they operate.

Human, community and labour rights

We report against the Modern Slavery Act, which aims to increase business awareness of the risks of modern slavery in the production and supply chains of Australian goods and services. We engage with likeminded investors and companies about modern slavery risk management, and we co-chair the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors’ (ACSI) Working Group on Rights and Cultural Heritage Risk Management, which aims to create tools for companies to improve cultural heritage and First Nations People engagement.


For more information on responsible investing including the Responsible Investment Supplement and the Responsible Investment Policy, visit


This information is about Cbus and doesn't take into account your specific needs. You should look at your own financial position, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions. Read the relevant Cbus Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus is right for you. 

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for Cbus Super Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 offering Cbus and Media Super products.