Important message about your insurance

Legislation requires you to opt-in to retain any insurance if your account becomes inactive by not receiving a contribution or roll-over for 16 months.

Your existing insurance cover may stop if your account is inactive, and you do not elect to opt-in to retain your insurance. As such we're seeking your instruction now on whether you would like to retain your insurance.

You can either opt-in by completing the Keep my insurance cover form or simply make an election below.

Keep your Cbus insurance

If you wish to opt-in to retain your insurance, please click on the Yes field below.


  • Submitting this election to Cbus will mean that your current and any future insurance cover will be maintained and premiums will continue to be deducted, even if your super account does not receive a contribution or roll in for 16 months.
  • This instruction will apply to the Cbus death, total and permanent disablement and income protection cover (where relevant) you currently have and will continue to remain in place even if the level or type of your cover changes in the future.
  • Depending on which Cbus super account and type of cover you have, there are other situations where your cover will stop, for example when you reach a certain age, close your account, no longer receive employer contributions or there's not enough money to pay insurance premiums. See the relevant insurance guide for your super account.
  • You can choose to cancel your cover at any time by contacting Cbus.
  • For further information regarding insurance and the protecting your super changes refer to changes-to-your-super

*This must match the information that we have on file for your election to be valid.



Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer, TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your options further, we can help get your super sorted.