Insurance cover when you need it most
Income protection cover is insurance you may be able to apply for through your super. It pays a monthly benefit to help replace some of your income if you are temporarily unable to work due to accident or illness.
What is income protection cover, and how does it work?
If you’re unable to work due to an accident or illness, income protection cover can assist in providing a regular monthly income to help see you through.
This cover offers reassurance, as you will have help in meeting your financial commitments when you are temporarily unable to work due to disability.
Things to remember
If you don’t receive automatic cover under Sole Trader Super, you might be able to apply for income protection cover when you join. This is available up to age 65, subject to eligibility.
To check if you are eligible for cover or your options, please refer to the handbook.
If you apply for income protection within six months of joining your Cbus Super employer, you'll be asked fewer health-related questions. And if you apply for income protection more than six months after joining, you will be asked more health-related questions.
You can apply at any time to increase or change your cover.
Your waiting period begins when your doctor certifies you can’t work due to your accident or illness. You must be getting regular care from a doctor and undergoing appropriate treatment.
When applying for cover, you can have a 30 or 90-day waiting period. After this period, benefits are paid monthly in arrears.
The benefit period is the maximum time an income protection will be paid. When you apply for cover, you can choose a payment period of two or five years, and you can apply to change this at any time.
An IP benefit is paid when you suffer a total disability or a partial disability. You'll directly receive the lower amount of IP cover you have, or 85% of your salary, paid monthly after the waiting period.
Applying for an income protection benefit
To make an income protection claim, your cover must be in place when you become sick or injured and stop working. Our insurer must also be satisfied you meet the policy's definition of total disablement.
If you return to partial work duties after a period of total disability, you might be able to claim a partial income protection benefit. This applies when you are still earning a reduced income.
Find out more information on how to claim an income protection benefit.
How can I apply for income protection cover?
If you are under 65 and eligible, you might be able to apply for income protection cover.
You can choose how much income protection cover you need to suit you and your family.
Within six months of joining your Cbus Super employer, you can apply for basic cover based on your job duties. This is up to a certain limit and requires you only answering a few questions. Complete an Application for income protection cover (PDF).
You can still apply for cover outside of six months by completing further health questions via the Change my insurance form. This form is specific to your Cbus Super division.
What is your occupation category?
In the Industry division we have four occupation categories and these determine the amount of basic cover you can apply for when you first join. There are 4 separate change my insurance forms depending on the super division.
Manual is our default occupation category for Industry members. This occupation category is if you perform manual or physical work or don’t qualify for any other occupation category.
You only perform administrative, managerial or professional work, don’t perform any manual work, and spend at least 80% of your work in an office.
You are an electrical worker classified in Schedule A of the Electrical, Electronic & Communications Contracting Award 2020 or the Electrical Power Industry Award 2020.
You perform administrative, managerial or professional work, and earn over $100,000 annually (which can be pro-rated for permanent part-time workers). And you have a university qualification or are a senior or executive manager.
More about your super division
As a Cbus Super member, you can join one of four super divisions depending on who pays your super.
Industry super
For members of our Industry Super you can apply for income protection cover if you are eligible. The basic cover you can receive when you join is based on your occupational category. This includes Manual, Non, Manual, Electech and Professional.
Read our Insurance guide (PDF) for more information on the automatic cover you can receive when you join Cbus Industry Super.
Sole Trader
If you are a Sole Trader and make personal super contributions, you can apply to join Sole Trader Super. You may qualify for automatic income protection cover or you can apply for this cover. Any cover that you
Read our Insurance guide (PDF) for more information on the automatic cover you can receive when you join Sole Trader Super.
This insurance is offered through your employer, which they set up, but you can tailor it to your preferences. If you are a Corporate super member you may qualify for automatic income protection depending on what benefit design your employer has chosen. This is set out in the Corporate Super insurance fact sheet (PDF) included in your welcome pack.
If you’re not working or receiving super contributions, you can apply to join Personal Super. You won’t receive any automatic cover and you will not be eligible to apply for income protection cover if you are in this super division.
Read our Insurance guide for more information on the insurance cover available in Personal Super.
How much cover do I need?
If you need more than the basic income protection cover offered you can apply to increase your cover at any time by providing full health details.
You can apply for a maximum of $30,000 per month or 85% of your salary whichever is the lesser. You can receive 75% of your salary and 10% will go into your super. Your earnings will be considered at claim time.
Refer to the insurance guide for your division to understand the cover you might be eligible for and the amount of cover per unit of cover for your age.
Cost and fees
You can choose how many units of cover you require based on your salary. Each unit represents $100 cover a week. This is explained further in the handbook for industry super members (PDF).
The cost of income protection cover is taken from your super. Refer to the insurance guide for your division to understand the cost of your cover.

Change or cancel your cover
When you join Cbus Super, you may be eligible to apply for income protection cover or choose the cover that is right for you.
Your family circumstances and financial commitments might influence your decision.
Once you’re a member, you may be able to apply for this cover anytime. This includes decreasing, increasing, or cancelling your cover.
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