Cbus Self Managed Super

Your investment, your way

If you have an interest in investments, Cbus Self Managed allows you the ultimate control over how your retirement savings are invested. Tailor your portfolio to align precisely with your personal investment goals and risk profile.

Why Cbus Self Managed

Cbus Self Managed is a Cbus Super investment option that lets you take a more active role in managing your super investments. It allows you to directly invest all or part of your retirement savings in a wider range of assets than the standard Cbus Super investment options.

These include Australian Shares on the ASX 300, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), term deposits, and exclusive managed investments in property and infrastructure. Cbus Self Managed is more aligned to a Self Managed Super Fund, but we take care of the complex account keeping and taxation reporting, saving you time and expense.

Cbus Self Managed investment options

The savings that you choose to invest in Cbus Self Managed will be placed in a transaction account (earning interest at a current rate of 5.25% p.a. as of 11 December 2024). From there you can then build a diversified portfolio from the following investment options:

Australian shares

Direct investment into the largest 300 Australian shares (on the ASX:300)

  • Buy shares directly in companies listed on the S&P/ASX 300 Index
  • Minimum investment is $1,500, with a maximum of 80% of your Cbus account (subject to eligibility and trade limits)
  • To help make informed decisions, we provide market news, information, and buy/sell recommendations from UBS Research via the Cbus Self Managed platform.

Exchange traded funds

A range of exchange traded funds (ETF’s) that cover Australian and international equities


ETFs are professionally-managed investment pools that are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).


Cbus Self-Managed offers a wide selection of ETFs across various asset classes, including: Cash/Fixed Interest, Commodity, Regional Equities, Global Equities, Australian Equities and many more.



Name Index Type
BetaShares Gold Bullion ETF* – Currency Hedged* Gold Commodity
iShares Core S&P/ASX 200 ETF# S&P/ASX 200 Australian Equities
iShares S&P/ASX 20 ETF# S&P/ASX 20 Australian Equities
iShares S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries ETF* S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Australian Equities
iShares Asia 50 ETF* S&P Asia 50 Regional Equities
iShares Europe ETF# S&P Europe 350 Index Regional Equities
iShares S&P 500 ETF# S&P 500 Regional Equities
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF* MSCI Emerging Markets Regional Equities
iShares MSCI Japan ETF* MSCI Japan Regional Equities
SPDR S&P/ASX Australian Government Bond Fund# S&P/ASX Government Bond Fixed Interest
SPDR S&P/ASX Australian Bond Fund# S&P/ASX Australian Fixed Interest Fixed Interest
SPDR S&P World ex Australia Carbon Control Fund# S&P Developed ex Australia LargeMidCap AUD Global Equities
SPDR S&P World ex Australia Carbon Control (Hedged) Fund# S&P Developed ex Australia LargeMidCap Hedged AUD Global Equities
Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF# S&P/ASX 300 Australian Equities
Vanguard MSCI Australian Small Companies Index ETF* MSCI Australian Shares Small Cap Index Australian Equities
Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF# UBS Composite Bond Fixed Interest
Vanguard Australian Government Bond Index ETF# UBS Government Bond Index Fixed Interest
Vanguard Australian Property Securities Index ETF# S&P/ASX 300 A-REITs Australian Equities - Property
Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF# FTSE ASFA Australian High Dividend Yield Index Australian Equities
BetaShares Australian High Interest Cash ETF# 30 Day Bank Bill Swap Rate Cash/Fixed Interest
iShares S&P Global 100 ETF# S&P Global 100 Index Global Equities
iShares MSCI EAFE ETF* S&P EAFE Index Regional Equities
iShares China 25 Large-Cap ETF* FTSE China 50 Index Regional Equities
iShares Treasury ETF# Bloomberg AusBond Treasury Index Fixed Interest
iShares UBS Composite Bond ETF# Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index Fixed Interest
SPDR S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries ETF# S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Index Australian Equities
SPDR MSCI Australia Select High Dividend Yield Fund# MSCI Australia Select High Dividend Yield Index Australian Equities
Vanguard All-World Ex US Shares Index ETF# FTSE All-World ex US Index Global Equities
Global X Physical Precious Metals Basket^ Precious metals, LBMA Prices Commodity
Russell Investments Australian Select Corporate Bond ETF# DBIQ 0-4 year Investment Grade Australian Corporate Bond Index Fixed Interest
Russell Investments Australian Semi-Government Bond ETF# DBIQ 0-5 year Australian Semi-Government Bond Index Fixed Interest

10% of total Cbus account balance may be held in this ETF
25% of total Cbus account balance may be held in this ETF
50% of total Cbus account balance may be held in this ETF
The information on this page is for information purposes and should not be relied upon to make investment decisions.
To learn more about the above ETFs you will need to access the individual ETF provider’s website where you will find more information on these products to help you make a decision that is right for you.


Term deposits

A range of term deposits with varying rates and periods


Earn guaranteed interest on your investment for a fixed term of your choosing (From 30 days to 365 days).


Current term deposit rates are listed below (as of 20 December 2024) for ME and NAB banks.


Length of term ME (%) NAB (%)
30 days 4.00 1.95
60 days 4.60 4.40
90 days 5.00 4.90
180 days 5.10 4.95
365 days 5.00 4.85

The interest rates quoted for term deposits are annualised rates. The interest rate will apply for the term selected. The interest earned will be less than the annualised rate where the selected term is for a period of less than 12 months.


These interest rates are indicative only. The current term deposits available can be viewed by registered users of Cbus Self Managed via the online platform.

Managed investments

Managed investments that include property and infrastructure

piggy bank

With managed investments your money is pooled with other Cbus members, then managed by specialist investment managers at Cbus.


There are two types of managed investments available via Cbus Self Managed:

  • Cbus Self-Managed Property: a diversified portfolio of listed and unlisted commercial properties (offices, retail, industrial)
  • Cbus Self-Managed Infrastructure: large-scale infrastructure assets like airports, roads, and ports through a professionally managed portfolio
  • Read more about Cbus Self Managed performance
Trading windows for 2024

For a two-week period each quarter, you will be able to buy or sell units in managed investments. The current scheduled dates as at 16 January 2024 are shown below. These dates are subject to change.


  March 2024 June 2024 September 2024 December 2024
Trading window opens 5 April 4 July
4 October 7 January 2025
Trading window closes
19 April
18 July 18 October 21 January 2025
Trade settlement date
24 April
23 July 23 October
24 January 2025

Benefits of a Cbus Self Managed

  • Flexible and convenient, giving you control over how your savings are invested
  • Potential for higher returns compared to passively managed investment options ^
  • Through the Cbus Self Managed investments you can benefit from the experience of our specialist investment professionals.

Support and experience as you need it

Make informed investment choices by accessing a wealth of educational resources and market insights directly within the Cbus Self Managed platform:

  • Investment and tax reporting to help manage your portfolio
  • Market news and information from Morningstar
  • UBS broker research and video updates.

^ Investment returns can go up and down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The differences between Cbus Self Managed and a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Understand some of the key differences between Cbus Self Managed and an independent Self Managed Super Fund:

  Cbus Self Managed Self Managed Super Fund 
Administration All legal and admin requirements are managed by Cbus Super.  Complex legal and administrative requirements can take a lot of time and effort.
Time Less time consuming given that tax, auditing, and administration is managed by Cbus Super. SMSF trustees spend on average more than eight hours a month managing an SMSF. That’s more than 100 hours a year. 

May be cheaper than an external SMSF as tax, auditing and administration is managed by Cbus Super.

Can be high. Consider the following costs:
  • Investing
  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Tax advice
  • Legal advice
  • Financial advice
  • Insurance premiums.
Fraud protection Full access to special compensation schemes and AFCA.  No access to compensation schemes or Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

Is Cbus Self Managed for you?

You might consider Cbus Self Managed if you:

  • Have a strong understanding of financial markets and investment strategies.
  • Are comfortable with a higher level of risk in pursuit of potentially higher returns.
  • Have the time and resources to actively manage your superannuation portfolio.

Note: Cbus Self Managed is not available for income stream accounts if you have selected the Transition to Retirement option.

How to register for Cbus Self Managed

Step 1

To check your eligibility and for more information on how to get started read the Cbus Self Managed investment guide (PDF).

Step 2

Log in to your online account and select the Cbus Self Managed tab at the top of the page.

Get in touch with us

Whatever your enquiry, we're ready to help.