Insurance cover for what matters
Death cover is insurance you can receive through your super. It pays a lump sum to your dependants or legal personal representatives in the unfortunate event of your death.
What is death cover and how does it work?
Death cover is insurance that pays your dependents or legal representatives a lump sum if you die.
When you join Cbus Super, you might qualify for automatic death cover tailored to members in construction and higher-risk jobs. This coverage provides reassurance, knowing your loved ones and dependents will have financial support if you die.
Applying for early release of death cover if you are terminally ill
If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness that is likely to lead to your death within 24 months from when it is diagnosed, you can request an advance payment of your death cover and the early release of your super.
Find out more information on how to claim a terminal illness benefit.
Processing and distribution of your death cover
When you die, the insurer will review your death benefit claim.
If it is approved, the claim amount is then deposited into your super account. It is paid in addition to the amount in your super account.
This is then distributed to your financial dependents or legal personal representative. The trustee will determine how to allocate these funds.
You can also nominate beneficiaries you want your insurance and super to go to. Learn about nominating a beneficiary.
Find out more information on how to claim a death benefit.
Things to remember
Subject to eligibility and the type of work you do, you might receive automatic death cover (default cover) when you join Cbus Super.
Your age and the type of work you do (occupational category) determine the amount of cover you receive.
You can apply to change or cancel your cover at any time.
If you do not work for an employer, you can choose to get death cover when you join Cbus sole trader or personal super.

Make a death cover claim
Death cover provides peace of mind and reassurance, making sure your loved ones are financially protected in the unfortunate event of your death.
Start the claims processHow much death cover do you need?
The amount of death cover you require depends on your circumstances and financial obligations. Eligible members are automatically provided with a default level of cover determined by age and type of work.
- This default insurance is measured in units, each representing a specific dollar amount based on age. If you need an additional amount, you can apply for it.
- Your type of work determines the amount of automatic cover you receive when you join Cbus Super.
Who pays your super?
The amount of automatic death cover you receive depends on your age and occupation category. As a Cbus Super member, you can join one of four super divisions depending on who pays your super.
For members of our Industry Super, the cover you receive is based on your occupation category. This includes Manual, Non-Manual, Electech and Professional.
If you’re in the Manual occupation category, default cover will generally begin automatically once we receive an on-time compulsory super payment from your employer.
For those in the Electech, Non-Manual or Professional occupation category, default cover generally starts automatically once your account balance reaches $6,000 and you’ve turned 25. You can request for your cover to start earlier at any time or when you join online.
Read our Insurance Handbook (PDF) for more information on the automatic cover you can receive when you join Cbus Industry Super.
Sole Trader
If you are a sole trader and make personal super contributions, you can apply to join Sole Trader Super.
Any default cover you receive automatically starts once your account balance reaches $6,000 and you’ve turned 25. You can request for your cover to start earlier when you join online.
Read our Insurance Handbook (PDF) for more information on the automatic cover you can receive when you join Sole Trader Super.
If you’re not working or receiving super contributions, you can apply to join Personal Super. You wont receive any automatic cover.
Read our Insurance Handbook for more information on the insurance cover available in Personal Super.
This insurance is offered through your employer, which they set up, but you can tailor it to your preferences.
Any default cover you receive automatically will start once your account balance reaches $6,000 and you’ve turned 25. You can request for your cover to start earlier when you join.
Read our Insurance guide (PDF) for more information on the insurance cover options.
What is your occupation category?
Your occupation category below determines how much automatic death cover you receive and how much you pay. To change your occupation category, log into your account or complete the relevant change my insurance form.
Manual is our default occupation category for Industry members. This occupation category is if you perform manual or physical work or don't qualify for any other occupation category.
You only perform administrative, managerial or professional work, don’t perform any manual work, and spend at least 80% of your work in an office.
You are an electrical worker classified in Schedule A of the Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020 or the Electrical Power Industry Award 2020.
You perform administrative, managerial or professional work, and earn over $100,000 annually (which can be pro-rated for permananet part-time workers). And you have a university qualification or are a senior or executive manager.

Use our calculator
You can use our calculator to see how much death cover you might need.
How is your automatic cover determined?
When you join Cbus Super, the amount of cover you might receive and what it costs depends on your age and occupation category. Your occupation category determines if you automatically get cover when you join Cbus Super, once you're 25 or older and have a balance of $6,000.
Refer to the insurance guide for your division to understand the cover you might be eligible for and the amount of cover per unit of cover for your age.
Cost and fees
How much you pay for your cover will depend on your age and occupation category. The cost of death cover is taken from your super. It's important you evaluate the benefits of having this insurance and how it might impact your retirement savings. Refer to the insurance guide for your division to understand the cost of your cover.

Change or cancel your cover
When you join Cbus Super, you can choose automatic cover or customise the cover that is right for you. Age, family circumstances and financial requirements might influence your decision.
Once you’re a member, you can apply to change your cover anytime. This includes decreasing, increasing, or cancelling your cover at any time.
Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848.