Contact us
Navigating the claims process can be difficult, but we aim to help you.
For any questions or information you need, contact the Cbus Super Claims team:
1300 722 152
8.30am - 5.30pm (AEST) Monday to Friday
What makes up a death claim payment
A death claim payment is money that’s payable after a Cbus Super member passes away. It may include:
Who can receive a death claim payment
There are strict laws about who can receive a death claim payment. In most cases, the benefit goes to:
The member might have chosen who they want to receive their death benefit by making a binding or non-binding beneficiary nomination.
You can find more information about eligible beneficiaries on our Nominate a beneficiary page.
It can take time to process a claim
Our goal is to work with you to ensure we receive all the information needed to assess your claim as soon as possible. We may need you to provide certain documents and additional information. We’ll let you know if that’s the case.
As part of our responsibility, Cbus Super will consider the member’s wishes and the information provided by claimants. We generally need to identify and contact all potential beneficiaries.
This process can take some time, but it’s important to make sure the death claim payment goes to the right person or people.
Using a third party to apply
We understand that this may be a difficult time for you, so we aim to make the process as simple as possible. However, if you decide to use a lawyer or another third party to make a claim on your behalf, you’ll need to complete a Third party authority - Death Claims (PDF) form.
The steps below have been designed to help you understand what will happen during the claim process.
To begin, call our Insurance and Claims team on 1300 722 152 and we’ll ask you a few questions to help you work out if you can make a claim.
It would be helpful if you can provide details about the deceased member’s dependants and family relationships (including contact details). This will help us identify potential beneficiaries as quickly as possible.
After we’ve confirmed that you can make a claim, we’ll pass on the relevant information to our Claims team.
They’ll send you the necessary forms and claim requirements by post or email. If the forms are emailed to you, please print them out.
Step1. Complete your application and send it to us
We’ll let you know what information and documents we need in the letter we send you. Please make sure you provide all requested information, as this will help us assess your claim as quickly as possible.
Once you have everything ready, double-check you’ve provided all requested information and then either scan and email, or post your completed forms and documents back to us:
For any questions about claim forms or the information you need to provide, contact Cbus Super on 1300 722 152 and ask to be transferred to the Claims team.
Step 2. We decide who to pay and let you know
If the member held insurance cover with Cbus Super when they died, the insurer will assess your claim according to the insurance policy, when all the requested documents are received.
The insurer will inform Cbus Super of its decision to accept or decline the claim.
Cbus Super will then determine which of the member’s potential beneficiaries to pay the death payment to, in accordance with super laws and the Cbus Trust Deed, and taking into account the member’s wishes.
If you’re the only potential beneficiary and your claim is straightforward, we’ll be able to let you know as soon as the claim has been assessed. Otherwise, we’ll write to all potential beneficiaries to let them know who we’ve proposed should receive the death payment.
Step 3. Confirm you're happy with the decision or request a review
You (along with any other potential beneficiaries) have up to 28 days from when you receive our letter or email to tell us whether:
If you’re happy with our decision you don’t have to respond, but you won’t be able to change your mind later.
We’ll process the claim as advised after 28 days if no objections are received. However we may proceed with processing the claim sooner if all parties respond to let us know they agree with our decision.
If objections are received, we may ask you for more information to help with our review. We must have reasonable grounds to change our decision and we’ll write to all applicants again if we do.
If you’re not satisfied with our decision or how we’ve handled your claim, you can lodge a complaint or contact us.
Generally, payment of the claim can’t be finalised until all objections have been resolved.
Step 4. We pay the claim
If Cbus Super confirms a payment will be made to you, we’ll write to you to let you know the next steps (by post or email).
This letter will explain your payment options, and will let you know if any other documents or forms are required, such as your ID documents.
For full and comprehensive information to help you better understand the claims process, please read the Applying for a death payment (PDF) handbook.
Navigating the claims process can be difficult, but we aim to help you.
For any questions or information you need, contact the Cbus Super Claims team:
1300 722 152
8.30am - 5.30pm (AEST) Monday to Friday